We made video proof of the book!

Hello friends! 

To help get you all super excited about our book, we filmed me, Clara, reading a little excerpt from it. 

Reading out loud has always been hard for me because I used to suffer from crippling shyness, but I decided to be brave! 

So please go watch this little video and check out our Kickstarter if you haven’t already. The fundraiser ends at 8 MST on December 30th!

Have a very Happy New Year!


It's Time!

Hello everyone!

It’s time to launch our Kickstarter campaign! 

Donating is a really simple process. All you need to do is click HERE, read our story, choose which pledge you would like to contribute to, fill out the following form, and boom! There it is! You will have helped in getting our book published!

All of your donations will go to helping us cover publishing, printing, and marketing costs. 

Thank you in advance for your help!


Kickstarter Introduction

Dear friends, family, and adventurers, 

It’s me, Clara, the author, and Jenny, the illustrator!

We would like to invite you to join us as we bring to life the true imaginings from my (Clara’s) childhood in the form of a children's book.

We started working on this early last year. Jenny and I met at a women’s entrepreneurial book group in Bozeman, Montana. 

As we all introduced ourselves, Jenny said she loved art and if she could do anything that she’d paint. When my turn rolled around I said I wanted to be a book author and just needed an illustrator. 

Thus a friendship was born!

Our book is almost ready to share with the world. Jenny has worked on creating illustrations to capture the imaginative reader. We will be launching a Kickstarter campaign this month and would greatly appreciate any and all support you can send our way. 

We thank you for joining us on this journey and look forward to sharing our work with you all!

Much love and appreciation, Clara & Jenny